Featured Products: Papa & Barkley Releaf Body Oil

Introducing Papa & Barkley Releaf Body Oil – available at Urbn Leaf!

Fast-absorbing and lightweight, their Releaf Body Oil offers targeted topical relief.

With a 1:3 ratio of CBD to THC, it feels smooth on the skin and works to reduce muscle tension — all the better when used as a massage oil. Their therapeutic blend of essential oils is combined with full-spectrum cannabinoids that leverage the natural power of the whole plant. Directly apply to tight muscles or all over for a relaxed, soothing sensation.

Ingredients: Cannabis Oil, Fractionated Coconut Oil, Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Essential Oil Blend (Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Peppermint, Lavender).

  • The Releaf Body Oil is available in 60 ML.

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